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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


Chinese Celebrity

I found a list that purports to know who the 10 most handsome dudes in China are.

What this means to me is that these are the guys we are likely to see next on the big screen in the magazines and such here in the US as America tries to capitalize on everything Chinese AND get the average Chinese to look/read/watch.

Is that what I am doing here? Hmmm….

Here is number 2.

This is Huang Xiao Ming.


Anybody this young who has the courage to show up bald is cool in my book.

Even Natalie Portman.


Nobody has given him an English name….

How about Clint? He looks like a Chinese cowboy.

Huang will see 30 years old next year. How come all the lookers for men are so young? The girls were older, no?


Yep…looks like he is going for the western cowboy image, too.

Huang is from Shandong…home of Qingdao Beer.

I’ve never had it, never will…but I may go there to see the Olympic water events.

Which one of these pics is your  favorite?

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

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  • june says:

    yes, i noticed the problem too, in your good-looking chinese list, the girls are all older than men. why? haha:)

  • panasianbiz says:

    Tomorrow is number one….

    BTW, I stopped posting it in three forums…now just style. I think the other forums were enjoying it but someone asked me not to post there…so I stopped. 8-(

  • june says:

    Bill, what’s your mean? i cant understand it. i hope everything is fine.

  • panasianbiz says:

    June, I was posting these results in three different forums…I think everyone was enjoying it….

    Now, I decided to post the results in only one forum.

    Can you understand?

  • june says:

    ok, i see, thank you very much! good luck to you and your forums!!

  • june says:

    ok, i see, thank you very much! good luck to you and your forums!!

  • Anonymous says:

    you know your very lucky you know what?because you kiss my one and only one!i know i have no right to tell you this,but……………i was irritated to that image!!!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    you kiss my one my only one my only one!!!my liu yi fei!!!

  • Qiao says:

    Is this a party?Do u know each other???
    I don’t like Huang Xiaoming…I like Jin Chenwu

  • Qiao says: Html tag was filtered!!!where is my PIC!

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