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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Question: When is the 2013 International Cosplay day?

Answer: August 24, 2013

Cosplay seems to still be pretty popular.

Where can I participate: Here is link to a very long list of places where people, grown ups!, will be running in the costume of one of their favorite heroes on International Cosplay Day.

How funny! Grown ups pretending to be Princess Ariel or Belle or Jasmine.

Well, maybe not. My daddy pretends to be Grumpy. Or maybe he is Grumpy, who got older.

Watch – 10 Extraordinary Cosplayers with The Weasley Twins

Or watch – Love Cosplay! Anime Expo Music Video 

Or – Making Adam Savage’s Admiral Ackbar Cosplay Costume – 

San Diego Comic Con – I Just Want To Be A SuperHero – Cosplay Music Video

I used to wonder how long or until what age I would be able to wear my princess costumes.

Now I know the answer.

And it’s not Halloween either! Or for going to Disneyland. Or or …

It’s just for playing.

Hmm … If I dress up as a princess from another country, does that count as participating in another culture?

Yeah, I think so.

Give me a princess costume and I am happy. Or maybe a mermaid. Or a ballerina.

How about you? Who do you like to dress up as?

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

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