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Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.



Shanghai Starbucks Coffee Co. Ltd was found guilty of infringing on the trademark right of American Starbucks Coffee Company.

The Higher People’s Court of Shanghai dismissed the appeal and reached a verdict that Shanghai Starbucks was ‘bang’ guilty.

The fine – a measly $62,000…well, maybe not measly to the Shanghai Starbucks Company…and a public apology.

The point being…American and other companies are starting to win IP right case, trademark infringement cases.

I remember a story that a Chinese Warner Bros official told at the Committee of 100 annual gathering last year…..

While walking around Shanghai, he came upon a Disney store that was indeed the first rate. He decided to call his rival up and congratulate him on the store and the quality of goods.

The Disney asked the WB official where he was. To which the WB official replied, “I am in Shanghai.”

The Disney official sounded back, “We don’t have a store in Shanghai.”

More and more companies in China that have stolen from American companies or otherwise will be cracked down on.

It’s just a matter of time.

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Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

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