Ursula, the sea witch from Disney’s “The Little Mermaid,” is a character whose negative qualities serve as a warning. Her actions and personality traits highlight behaviors that can lead to destructive outcomes.
By examining Ursula’s negative qualities, we can learn valuable lessons about what to avoid in our own lives and how to foster healthier relationships and environments.
1. Manipulative Scheming
Ursula’s ability to manipulate others for her gain is one of her most negative qualities. She deceives Ariel into making a dangerous deal, saying, “Life’s full of tough choices, isn’t it?” This manipulation creates a web of deceit and mistrust.
2. Greed and Ambition
Ursula’s insatiable greed and ambition drive many of her actions. Her desire for power leads her to commit heinous acts. As she sings, “I admit that in the past I’ve been a nasty,” her ambition blinds her to the consequences of her actions.
3. Lack of Empathy
Ursula shows a complete lack of empathy towards others, including Ariel and her family. Her disregard for the feelings and well-being of others is evident when she coldly tells Ariel, “Poor unfortunate souls.”
4. Deceptive Promises
Ursula’s deceitful nature is highlighted by her false promises. She lures Ariel into a trap with the promise of fulfilling her dreams, only to betray her. “The only way to get what you want is to become a human yourself,” she says, masking her true intentions.
5. Ruthlessness
Despite her cunning behavior, Ursula is ultimately ruthless. She is willing to harm anyone who stands in her way, including Ariel and King Triton. Her ruthlessness is evident when she declares, “Now I am the ruler of all the ocean!”
6. Blame-Shifting
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Ursula frequently shifts blame onto others to avoid taking responsibility for her actions. She blames Ariel for the consequences of their deal and tries to pin her failures on others. “You can’t get something for nothing, you know,” she says, deflecting blame.
7. Lack of Accountability
Ursula’s refusal to take accountability for her actions is a significant negative quality. She never admits her wrongdoings and continues to deceive and manipulate those around her. “I’m not asking much, just a token really, a trifle,” she asserts.
8. Creating Division
Ursula thrives on creating division and discord among the sea creatures. She pits Ariel against her family and fosters an environment of fear and mistrust. “The sea and all its spoils bow to my power,” she sings, reveling in the chaos she creates.
9. Selfishness
Ursula’s selfishness is evident in her actions and decisions. She prioritizes her desires over the well-being of others, leading to the downfall of many. “I’m a very busy woman and I haven’t got all day,” she boasts, showing her inflated sense of self-importance.
10. Lack of Integrity
Ursula’s lack of integrity is apparent in her deceitful and treacherous behavior. She breaks promises, lies, and betrays those who trust her. “Don’t underestimate the importance of body language,” she says, luring Ariel into a trap.
11. Intimidation
Ursula uses intimidation to control and manipulate others. Her menacing presence and threats create an atmosphere of fear. “You belong to me now,” she declares, asserting her dominance.
12. Vindictiveness
Ursula’s vindictive nature drives her to seek revenge against those who oppose her. Her desire for retribution leads to destructive outcomes. “So much for true love!” she exclaims, reveling in her vindictiveness.
Ursula’s negative qualities serve as a powerful reminder of the behaviors we should avoid. By recognizing and addressing these traits in ourselves and others, we can create healthier, more positive environments. Ursula’s story teaches us the importance of empathy, accountability, and integrity in our interactions and relationships.
————- DID YOU KNOW? ——————-
My dad and I wrote a chapter book. (55+K words!) Please take a look!
5 friends get lost. With unexpected help from new friends, they must find:
- themselves
- one another
- their way back home
… all while ‘they’ are watching.
It’s true-to-life. No magic, fantasy, time warps. And there are discussion questions at the end of each chapter for parents and kids … or for reading groups.
Please take a look.