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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


Blogging in India

Sagnik Roy is called “China’s Son in Law.” Some think he is also India’s most successful businessman in China. He is part owner of a $600 million industrial group to support that claim.

According to, he is the only Indian director of Yongtong Group – 33 textile units, jade quarries and also minerals and tires. His, um, wife, in-laws and family friends are the other owners.

Roy had hoped to be a professor, not a businessman. He went to India on a cultural change program and ended up staying.

But, I think the key ingredient in his success was marrying a Chinese wife. It was because of this relationship he was able to earn ‘points’ with the Chinese.  He was also able to become part of the Chinese society and increase his network of business people.

The lesson here is – to do business in China, in any country for that matter, you have to earn your stripes, endear yourself to the people, build ongoing trust…and then, business opportunities may open up.

Roy tells of a South Korean experiment. Korean companies sent hundreds of middle-level execs to China with their families more than 10 years ago to learn:

1. the culture

2. the language

3. how to make life-long friends

Great idea – something no US company would likely consider – investing families and resources now to reap benefits 10 years down the road.

ALSO READ  First time publishing an ebook on Kindle Direct Publishing

What do you think?

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

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  • Gal Morale says:

    I don’t know very much about doing business globally, but am happy to have found this site to help me learn.

    As for this post, sounds like the South Korean companies had it right. Relationships, which take time to grow, are ultimately the key to business success. Good relationships start when you show your interest in the other party, by asking questions and learning about them.

  • Zane says:

    You’re spot on here. The tendencies of us Americans is to be a bit impatient, want to do a deal…today, and ignore the relationship element AND the long-term view. The impact of that is felt all the way from business through family interactions.

    But a question…on a separate post you show that American companies are by far the leading business buyers of Chinese companies. At first glance it looks like a contradiction…Or there are different goals?

  • Ray Kirk says:

    We Americans are not even open to inter-racial mariages. Yes in part of the US it is acceptable to marry outside of your race; however, not in most of the country. I’m white and my wife is black and we are frowned upon whenever we leave the San Francisco bay area. I’m glad to see other countries welcome iter-racial marriages. I have always been open to other cultures and the way they do things. I wish the rest of the county would get on board.

  • Aseem Ghosh says:

    Can anyone give me the mail address of Mr.Sagnik Roy?Wll he be available in India/China during end Sept to Oct as I am planning to be there during this period.I am in Textile/Garment/Garment business based in Dubai,UAE

  • ashisdas says:

    hi sagnik its me your benachitty high school friend do you recognise me …anirudha khan kavita jainyou are really really great co ntact if youare not very very busy

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