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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


My daddy, my hero!

As I said before spending time with kids is not an easy task, and especially for any working dad, and even from our point of view we (DAD’S) have made our lifestyles more busy by spending more time in office than for the family and especially our kids. So do you want to have fun and searching for some new ideas for having fun with your son.  Get few ideas for some quality father and son bonding. And every child is different so take our basic ideas and use them to come up with what fits the personality/interest of your son. Like I said before sons are totally different from the daughter’s.

Playing a sport together-  Help your son practice for his next game by playing with him any form of the game he likes or to the game which he will be playing at school. Or teach him a sport you have always loved and played in your school days . Be sure to praise him and let him know how well he is

doing and other things to be taken care of while you be his coach for a while.

Watching a game together –  It’s a simple way to get some quality time together. Gear up with the game set up and sit with him on the TV. During the game teach him some of the finer points of the game if he is aware of the game or else let yourself explain him the new game or share stories from your school game days when you used to play good games.

Teach him some good skills- give your son a skill you feel that it is important for every man to know. Teach him how to cut down the lawn or repair his flat bike or change oil in a car or some gardening. Take him for fishing lessons and teach him the best points while fishing and for a hike in the hills . Help him grill the perfect burger together and ask him for a repair session with you at the house.


Geek, Genius Dads

Take him for a ride-  Take your son out for ice cream, a burger, or his and yours favorite food and just spend some time walking or riding  with him and enjoy the cool ride out with you and only you.

All it feels like doing the thing we all do as a dad. That’s the point. Spending quality time together does not mean having to be elaborate – just be intentional about the time you spend with your son and build a relationship with him that will allow you to speak wisdom into his life for years to come. These few little things taken care off now will help build an everlasting relationship between father and son as your son starts growing. These are some of my ideas and will be happy to hear from you regarding new and easy ones to share with every father out there for their sons.

Thank you for reading.

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Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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