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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


Christmas Day

The Japanese favorite meal on Christmas Day – Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Christmas Trees in October.

Ask a Japanese what their religion is at Christmas time – Christian = they can play at being a Christian during this time of the year. Interesting statistic – there are 20 million Christians in Japan, 80 million Buddhists, and 100 million Shintoist = 2oo million people. However, Japan has only 120+ million people. In other words, the Japanese don’t have a problem holding to more than one religion and at the same time.


But Christmas…they just don’t get.

Santa Claus comes from the North Pole. It’s cold up there, dang it. Santa Claus does NOT come from down under, underwater that is. Unless you are in Japan.

Santa was found swimming with dolphins at Yokohama Hakkeijim Sea Paradise on Nov. 17th. And we, thought he was the North Pole making toys, didn’t we?


I guess the economy must be really bad after all. Even Santa has to come out early to drum up business.



Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


  • mkill says:

    I’m pretty sure you meant there are 2 million Christians in Japan, not 20 million. In fact the history of Christianity in Japan is very interesting, read up on topics like the Shimabara rebellion, Hasekura Rokuemon and the Kakure Kirishitan if you have the time.

    As for Christmas, I can’t really blame the Japanese for “not getting” Christmas, because after all, it’s not a traditional Japanese holiday. It’s like criticizing Americans for not “getting” the Tenno’s birthday (Dec 23rd).

  • mila says:

    I am Yougoslavian-my granparent were orthodox (we have and ctholic and muslim and jew Yougoslvian) In Serbish Santa is Christ partner or younger brother,Historicali he is Saint Nicola and is famous for his helping to poor girls to find husband (he secretaly put money on the window). He is that one who put no sheos but hand on face od Arirn who vote to devide church on east and west.He is mascota of seilors.And finally all are proroc (know more)-Budha, Mosses, Mochamed, but grist was son of God
    he was born from virgine and he go to water. He go up to sky and generaly is something like alien
    understand now.I am atheist but these are facts.

  • mila says:

    Intersting when I post first comment was in ortodox is Day of Saint Nikola 19.december. Something like Thanksgiving.
    Half serbia have Saint Johan like Home day-solubrate and other part Saint Nikole. There are and another Saints days exp. St.Georges (maine), St. Valentine or trifun, St.Pantelej , St. Kozma and Damjan-doctors solubrate and

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Growing Up Aimi Series