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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

My daddy and I read books together almost every morning.

Mommy gets points for taking me to the library often so we always have new books to read. New as in books that are new to me.

I usually read one book and daddy reads one book.

This morning I made daddy laugh.

He didn’t laugh at me. He laughed at the book. And, well, I laughed, too. Out loud.

Books are good when they make us laugh out loud, or tear up, or grab his cell phone so we can look up more information.

Today’s book made us laugh out loud.

Olivia and the Rain Dance. <= click to have a look.

Here is my book review.

We couldn’t believe what pigs could do. That’s right pigs.

And when we thought Olivia was getting what she was dancing for … well, we were surprised.

And when Olivia and her friends Francine and Ian did that to their sailboats … well that was when Daddy and I laughed the hardest.

We don’t think all books are good. But some of them are. And this one was.

And, I read it, too!

I learned some words. I learned that pigs can do things I hadn’t imagined. And I learned that stories sometimes go where you least expect them.

What’s a good book that you have read lately?

Here’s another book review of Goldilocks and Just One Bear.

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Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

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Growing Up Aimi Series