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Trashing the Camp from Tarzan is Daddy’s favorite Disney song. But can you guess why?

We listen to the Pandora Disney channel on the way to school each morning … and, of course, we talk about lots and lots of stuff. The drive to and from school might be one of our favorite times – me and daddy – talking about all things important and not … but always talking … until, this song plays.

Sometimes Daddy and I Don’t Talk

We stop. And we listen. This is Daddy’s favorite song. I asked him why.

Maybe you can give it a listen, then read on to find his reason.

Daddy says he doesn’t like problems. Don’t stop reading. What he wants to say, he explained, is that he doesn’t like when people bring him problems with no solutions … or no ideas … or not thoughts on what to do or how to move forward.

Daddy is a ‘make do’ kind of person.

Don’t Just Bring Problems

I don’t think I have ever seen my daddy lost as to what to do. He always has some sort of idea to at least try to solve a problem to find a way forward in a dilemma.

That brings me to this song.

The camp is overtaken by a bunch of animals. None of them, of course, no how to play an instrument. To be sure, there are no instruments to be played.

Even so … they make music. Happy, funny, lively, appealing music … with what they have.

They made do with what was there and created a desirable outcome.

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Daddy’s Reaction to Trash

Daddy says, “That’s cool.”

I think so, too. I hope I can grow up to think, “There’s always a way.” And, “If you don’t have exactly what you want then make do with what you have.”

Thanks, daddy for a great lesson.

Now, can you make music with water balloons? hehehehe

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Growing Up Aimi Series