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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

This is Mia’s daddy. She is letting me write at her blog. I usually write at my own blog – Bill Belew.

Mia said it would be okay to write here … about my experience of getting kicked out of kindergarten on the first day.

I got kicked out of kindergarten

I got kicked out of kindergarten

Not my first day. Her first day!

No, I am not a helicopter parent. I am just a dad. I do not hoover. I really am laid back.

But, still I got kicked out by … Mia.

It was Mia’s first day of school, of kindergarten.

Now, I know that all parents think their kids are the best. Why not?

Indeed some parents think their kids are good for nothing. That’s not me.

Mia is cool.

She was visibly nervous walking into the classroom the first day. Her room was not open yet so we were required to wait in another room with other early arrivers.

I was an unsure of where we should be as she was since it was my first time as well… and her mom did the orientation and I didn’t think to ask.


Mia stepped ahead of me and walked in first. In a moment she asked the first older student, “Is this where we should wait?”

No answer. The other student seemed genuinely shocked that this little kindergarten would be so bold.

So, Mia went after an even older student. Then a third student who finally acknowledged her.

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“Yeah, this is where we wait till our classrooms open.”

I backed away.

Mia turned toward me, “Why are you still here, daddy. You should go. I am okay.”

If you feed them and water them, they grow up. Mia, too.

Welcome to kindergarten, daddy.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


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Growing Up Aimi Series