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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.



Andrew Hupert came down from Mt. China with these ten commandments. I will share five here, with my comments in parenthesis – hoping you will click through to the original site.  Andrew expands on the commandments as well.

Commandment #1

Know what you don’t know –  (The Chinese will do their homework about you and your company…have you done the same?)

Commandment #2

China is still a communist country. (Repeat after me – China is a communist country. It is NOT the same.)

Commandment #3

You have to show up to win. (How trusting can you be with someone you have never met. I can be anything in an email, anything…)

Commandment #4

If things worked well here in China, then there would be significantly fewer opportunities for competent westerners. (China wants to work with westerners because they have 5,000 years of cobwebs in their heads. If China didn’t need you, they wouldn’t need you. Huh? Be patient. Anything worth doing takes time.)

Commandment #5

Time does not mean money here. (China has not been doing things for 5,000 years. Not doing them or, worse yet, pretending to be doing them for another 2, 3, 5, 10 years won’t matter to them.)

The rest of the commandments can be found here….or here.

Moses would be proud.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

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  • Thanks for the kind words and the comments, Bill. I think your additions are extremely accurate.

    Did you link to the real 10 Commandments? Hysterical if you did — but the link seems to be blocked here in China. Go figure.

    One small criticism — it’s Andrew Hupert — with a P, not Hubert. Everyone does that. I don’t know why.


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