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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Adoption is a process of bringing a child into your custody and claiming yourself to be the legal guardian/ parents of the children. Generally children who are taken to foster care and then there union with the family is not possible either through court orders or the family is ineligible to take care of their children then the child placed in foster care with you are eligible for adoption. Then through court proceedings and final papers you can be granted as his parents upon approval . Generally there are talks that say you may not be eligible for adoption but it’s not true to the best of knowledge.


Please adopt ‘ME’

Reasons regarding support it are all children placed in foster homes / foster care are under children’s court orders , and  are awaiting court proceeding to clear through and if possible meet their real parents but in some cases when the real parents are not eligible to take care of the child then the child is placed back again for foster care for further adoption proceedings. At that point of time If you were the foster parents taking foster care for the child you may be eligible for the process of adoption. 

So according to qualify for adoption you should be able to prove your substantial bonding with the child and are ready to take all legal care required through out his life generally up to the age of eighteen when the child attains  his adolescence.

ALSO READ  Growing up bi-culturally

The court after verifying your adoption requirements and the child’s final proceedings if granted tends to allow adoption of the child and the child is placed under your custody and you are declared as his/her legal guardian/parents.

Stay tuned for more myths to come upon adoption and foster care. Please leave any comments regarding adoption or any new news about it happening around your state.

Thank you for reading.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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