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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Are the children under foster care mentally , physically disabled and emotionally unstable ? 

My answer to the question is probably no, what do you consider. Every child under foster care is present over there because of one or the other reason. Generally, a child placed in a foster home is because the birth parents were not eligible to take proper care of their children or may be under any legal battle. In  such scenarios the children are placed under child court supervision and or else taken care by foster parents. Sometimes these foster parents raise the child so as to go for further adoption process in the near future once the legal battle is over for the child. Or else in other cases the child may meet the birth parents which depend upon case to case.

So there’s always a misconception that generally children in foster care are same as all other normal children , but in some of the cases they may have gone through a lot of physical or mental abuse or are emotionally unstable. But the number do not explain that all of the children over there are challenged in some or the other way. The reason children are placed in foster care is to protect them from the family disturbances created by parents or abandoned parents sometimes. In some other cases children are recovered from families where they are abused and physically harassed. Some out of this case are due to use of drugs and other forms of physical abuse. Generally the children who are small enough to understand sometimes do tend to be less affected from all kinds of abuse but if the child is of middle age and has capability understanding good and bad things tend to be more prone to abuse factors. Most of the cases are also due to bad parenting. So accordingly they can be categorized into three groups. Out of the three the minor fraction are those which are affected by some or the other kind of abuse .


Are you ready to Adopt.

So in general all children in foster care are the same as our children and can be possibly taken for adoption according to their case discharge out come. That is the primary reason for them to be taken by foster parents so as to make them familiar with the world and not let them grow much in foster homes , depriving their early childhood. Government of all states does encourage all forms of foster care , but one should be eligible enough to take care of a foster child , only then they can be given the responsibility of a foster child. In some cases like the cases of new born foster parents are assigned in the form so as they will be later ready to adopt the baby if the birth parents are found ineligible or are not competent to take responsibility of the birth child.

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The factors affecting the decision from foster to adoption is in the children’s court and may or may not be in favor of the foster parents and differ from state to state. If any of you are planning to go forward with foster – adoption process please prefer meeting with the administration department of foster homes over your area and also refer state laws abiding towards adoption proceedings. Adoption is not an easy task and even not an easy decision  to take alone if you are married. It has to be the consent of the two partners/ parents

. Even single parents  are eligible for the process of foster care and further adoption. It’s best to have idea of foster care of a child  before planning for adoption. So at an ending note it’s always a good decision to adopt a child’s condition may be any, but at last You give life to an unknown which he/she will remember forever.

Thank you for reading.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series