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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Ariel has a Wonder Personality

Ariel has a Wonder Personality

How can a daddy teach his little girl to have passion?

To be sure, passion is not the strongest motivator for action. But passion is a desirable trait. And it does cause people to act.

How can a little girl find her passion?

Ariel and Belle both had strong passions for discovery.

Ariel had a passion to explore the world outside the sea.

Related: More personality traits of Ariel.

Belle had a passion to discover the world that books opened up to her.

Related: More personality traits of Belle.

Aurora had a passion for true love – the romantic that she is.

Related: More personality traits of Aurora.

My big brothers have a passion. Benjamin is an extremely talented artist; he can do magic on the piano and can draw/paint anything. Micah is an incredible scientist. He has seen things most of the world can dream of.

My daddy said that when they were little, he took them to many places and showed them many things. He let them try out different activities until they fell in love with what they wanted to do.

He didn’t tell them what to be passionate about, he let them discover their passion for themselves. Daddy’s part was in giving them the opportunities to discover.

My daddy takes me places and shows me things. I am too young to decide … but I do love to dance and do kung fu and read books and listen to stories. I wonder how I can put them altogether.

ALSO READ  Amazing Grace | Reverse Culture Shock | Using Turn Signals ... or not.

Show me stuff … and I will eventually fall in love with one or more of them.


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Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

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Growing Up Aimi Series