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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

How do you teach bi-cultural children to dream?

This is an easy question. If you want me to dream, tell me enough bed time stories and chances are when I am asleep I will have some kind of dream.

Unless that’s not the kind of dream you are thinking about.

There’s dreams, then there’s dreams. One is what you see at night when you close your eyes. The other is what you see during the day when you close your eyes.

And if you want your bi-cultural kid to dream day time dreams…well, you have to give them something to dream about.

Classical Pianist

Classical pianist and horse

I have two big brothers. One is an honest-to-goodness class icicle (Ed: classical) piano fish. (Ed: pianist). He makes music. His own. And for other people. His name is Benjamin. And he’s really good at doing stuff with legos, too!

Molecular Exercise Physiologist

Micah is a Scientist

My other brother, Micah, is a sign on test (Ed: scientist). He is a best in gates (Ed: investigate) itty bitty tiny things that you can’t normally see unless you have a microphone. (Ed: microscope). Micah is really really smart. Benjamin is too, but it’s a different kind of smart.

I have dreams, too. I want to grow up. That’s really enough for now. I just want to grow up and know things, then tell my friends things…and maybe hide people’s shoes. Not sure. I want to enjoy life and I want my family and friends to enjoy life, too.

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I reckon the best way to decide what I want to do when I grow up is to hear more bed time stories and day time stories.

I love it when my mommy reads to me. It helps me dream at night and at day.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

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Growing Up Aimi Series