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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Mia and Daddy

Mia and Daddy

Wow, that was fun.

I just did some instant time and space travel.

I went to India and back.

And I went back in time to long long before I was born. Almost before my big brother, Georgey was born, too.

Read: 21 digital warning devices for parents of small kids

Monica, my daddy’s student in an Inbound Marketing Class, guest wrote at my web site and invited me to write at hers.

So, of course, gladly I did.

I wrote about celebrations and the differences between Indians and Americans and Chinese.

And I wrote about a life-changing event for my daddy that happened when he was in India many years ago … and how that event has changed my life, too!!

Wow… what a trip! And all while I am in still in kindergarten and still behind the desk.

Isn’t it great to have friends from different countries?

Sometimes daddy tells me stories about the differences.

And sometimes he tells me about when we are the same – like when we want to have fun, celebrate, share life and influence one another for the better.

I am so glad my daddy is a teacher. He gets to touch so many but more importantly be touched by so many people from all over the world. And each time he is touched, my life becomes richer.

That is definitely worth celebrating!

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


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Growing Up Aimi Series