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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Here are my picks for the 12 Best Blogs About Business in China

1. China Law Blog  Who likes lawyers anyway? The answer to that question is people who need them. Chinalawblog was featured in Businessweek a couple of months back. This is quite a testimony to the quality it offers.

2. China Confidential This blog is a professional journalist’s insights into China and what goes on. Chinaconfidential can be depended on to give background and understanding when others just want to tell you how they feel about the goings on.

3. China Solved – China solved has put together a directory of consultants, has runnning picks for best company of the month, provides real tips for western managers and a chance to interact and learn through its blog.

4. China Business Services – not only can you learn via Jeremy’s Blog, he provides useful links for Supplying China, Sourcing in China, Law info in China and and…

5. China Economic Review – commentary on events in China and how it affects business in China

6. Diligence China – practical info like China Business definitions, doing Due Diligence in China, no-nonsense, educational

7. Beijing Man – The author has been living and doing business in Beijing ggoing on 9 years. No better perspective, perhaps, than from someone on the ground.

8. China Venture News – news about investment in China.

9. Seeking Alpha – news about Chinese stock market and the companies on it.

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10. IP Dragon – very insightful information on IP in China.

11. ZhongHuaRising – a Chinese national hired by a US media company to give perspective on the emergence of China as an economic power.

12. PanAsianBiz – full-disclosure – This is my blog. Short daily briefs that provide information and encourage dialog on topics related to doing business in China and other Asian countries. And, I do think it is a good blog about business in China, too.

I have been writing about business in China for about 6 months now. During that time, I have scoured the net, searched the rankings, Technorati, Blogger and a slew of other sites for related blogs as well as their blogrolls.

These are my results of that search.

There are a several reasons why I created this list.

1.  As I writer, I, too, am encouraged when someone recognizes what I do, thus, I want to recognize others who handle their subject well also.

2.  I hope that others will be encouraged to write about business in China. There is an awful lot going on in China. Please share your insights, knowledge and experience with us, with others.

3.  I want others who are also doing a fine job writing about China to let me and others on this list know so that the list might grow.

4.  I wish for readers who are interested in doing business in China to be more knowledgeable about what goes on in the business world with regard to China.

If you think you should be on the list, let me know via the comments. Share a link to your site and tell me why it should replace another site on the list or why the list should be expanded.

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Every two weeks or a month depending on response I will update the list, hoping to make it the best 100.

Hopefully those on the list will let me know of other sites they think are worthy.

There are lots of sites about China, and from people in China or who have been there. But, these 12 deal with business.

What do you have to say about business in China?

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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  • IP Dragon says:

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for nominating me in your Best Blogs About Asia.

    I liked your blogs about Chery and Geely a lot. I will check out your site from now on and included your blog in my blogroll.

    IP Dragon

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