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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

When do Parents Need a Time Out? | Ice Cream and Caffeine Fix

Parents Time Out

Parents Time Out

“Sweetie. Mommy wants to stop at 7-11 and get some coffee. I need my caffeine.”

“Mommy, can I have some ice cream?”

“Sweetie. I am in a hurry. I need my caffeine.”

“Mommy. Can I have some ice cream?”

“Darling. Quick. Follow me. I can’t wait.”

“Mommy. Can I have some ice cream?”

“Where’s the machine? Where’s the machine?”

“Over there, lady.”

“Mommy. Can I have some ice cream?”

“Counter? Counter? Where’s the counter? Where can I put the baby?”

“Mommy. Can I have some ice cream?”

“Can you hold the baby?”

“Mommy. Can I have some ice cream?”

“Okay, let’s put the baby down here. Now where’s the coffee?”

“Mommy. Can I have some ice cream?”

“What’s wrong with you and the ice cream? Why do you ask so many times? What’s the big deal? Let me get my caffeine. I don’t understand you and your obsession with ice cream! Let’s go!”


“Enough about the ice cream!”

“We forgot the baby.”

Does this mommy need a time out?

Read about other parents who might need a time out.

Here they are:

When do Parents Need a Time Out? | Red Check Child Leash

When do Parents Need a Time Out? | Shopping for Baby

When do Parents Need a Time Out? | Leashing Your Baby

When do Parents Need a Time Out? | Computer Accessories – Baby Mouse

When do Parents Need a Time Out? | Babysitting with Duct Tape

ALSO READ  My hero- My Dad- And lessons Jinie learnt from him!

When do Parents Need a Time Out? | How to Give a Tattoo

When do Parents Need a Time Out? | Baby is not a Laptop Desk

When do Parents Need a Time Out? | How to Hold a Gun

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Professional Blogger, social media marketer, professor of marketing, Christian and dad.

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