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Pocahontas was tough to find at Disneyland. Harder to catch than the wind. 😎

There’s a lot I can learn from her.

Impossible to Find Pocahontas … Almost

Okay, think impossible to catch unless you climb up on a float passing by or the stage where all of them appear of the River Boat during Fantasmic.

When we visited Disney World we were told that we MIGHT find her in the Animal Kingdom. When daddy and I thought about it it made sense. But we didn’t have time to go to the Magic Kingdom AND Epcot Center AND the Animal Kingdom.

That’s okay … because … we did come upon Pocahontas one day when I was a very little girl. We were between Adventure Land and Frontier Land at Disneyland in California. I have proof.

Pocahontas Personality Traits

Finding Pocahontas in Frontierland

13 Positive Personality Traits of Princess Pocahontas

Pocahontas is harder to catch than the wind because she is:

Naughty One – she disobeyed her father. And look where that got her. My daddy and mommy teach me to be obedient. My daddy also tells me that IF I am going to break the rules … don’t get caught. But if I do get caught, be willing to pay the penalty. Pocahontas broke the rules. Good for her.

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Free-spirited – not to be forced into a mold. She lived her own life, took the stream less sailed. My daddy tells me all his life he has gone the other way. And my mommy wonders why I am not like all my friends. 😎

ALSO READ  Lessons I learnt from my Great Dad

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Click => 172 Personality Traits for ALL the Disney Princesses in One Place … plus bonus story – The Little Traveler

Independent – lives her own life. Independence is good, but it can also be lonely. But being dependent can also be stifling. If you want to do much, go with friends. If you want to go far, go alone. Or something like that.

Related: Personality traits of Mulan worth developing

Responsible – watches out for the animals around her. Takes care of those who can’t take care of themselves – 2-legged and 4-legged friends. How cool is that?

Adventurous – explores and experiences all that life has to offer. It’s a challenge to be adventurous and not be afraid. Oftentimes it’s the overcoming of the unanticipated challenges that is/was the adventure.

Creation loving – enjoys the world she is born in to. And appreciates how the world came to be.

Spiritual – understands there is more to life than what you see and touch. When we realize this we understand that we need to take better care of our home … this floating ball in space.

Wise – not sophisticated or educated in book learning way, but still very insightful, knowledgeable. Animals can teach us a lot. Check out the book my daddy and I wrote below.

Noble – uncompromising for her own benefit. Loyal to her surroundings, upbringing and forest friends.

Brave – will stand up to anyone, anything for what is right and to protect the ones she loves.

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Athletic – climbs, runs, jumps, dives, swim. Her body listens to her and does what she asks it to, not the other way around.

Skillful – look mom, no hands … but still she can do. She can ride, shoot, make, build, repair.

Strong – None of this, ‘well I am a woman’ or ‘like a girl’ stuff. It doesn’t matter what game we are playing, I want Pocahontas on my team!

Pocahontas has a lot to offer for little girls to look up to. Starting with me. How about you?

Please take a look.

Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 37 and 33. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8, 9, 10 …. now 11!

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