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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

“Anything you can do, some little Chinese boy or girl can do better.”

I have heard this before.

Daddy read about a little boy, just 5-years old, who no longer dreams of some day becoming an airplane pilot.

Reason – He already flew a plane!!

He Yide or DuoDuo practiced for three weeks. Then he flew the plane by himself for 47 minutes.

More: 3-year old Chinese Girl Publishes Book.

Duoduo’s daddy calls himself, “Eagle Dad.” It’s because eagles push their kids out of the nest to teach them how to fly. And he’s married to a tiger mom? 

Dumdum’s daddy, I mean DuoDuo’s daddy also made DuoDuo walk around New York City in the snow in just his underpants! I can’t even walk around my house like that.

And and … DuoDuo went up Mt. Fuji underdressed, too. It took them more than 15 hours.

The daddy says,  “Sometimes you’re a good coach, but not a good father, and people will criticize you for that. On the contrary, if you’re a good dad, even though your child will be happy, he won’t be successful at all.”

That’s an interesting question. Do you have to give up being happy to be successful?

Does this daddy know something my daddy doesn’t?

Wanna share?

More:  Best Bilingual Educational Toys for Kindergarten and Early Elementary School Girls and Boys

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

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Growing Up Aimi Series