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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.



President Bush has nominated Henry Paulson, Jr to be the next Treasury Secretary.  If it goes through, China may have a new friend on this side of the pond. At the least, China will have someone who knows them well.

Paulson has been to China more than 70 times! Holy toledo.

He has been to China more times than the 1.3 billion Chinese have. But, then he hasn’t been there as long, right?

Paulson knows China and it is my guess that the Chinese will respect someone more if they have taken the time to come visit their country X 70 times!

If Paulson is confirmed, he would immediately take the lead on Chinese yuan revaluation issue.

Paulson says this about Chinese leaders, “They (the leaders) are very bright pragmatic and aware of their problems. They have done a great job at economic reform.”

Paulson’s former firm, Goldman Sachs has also secured some of the best investment banking deals of the last decade in China.

Paulson knows China and has a keen interest in seeing the country’s economy grow soundly.

It seems Paulson is a good choice, at least when it comes to China.

What do you think?

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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  • june says:

    > 70 times visited here. it is a big business to the airways,haha:)
    as far as the benefit from he, we will see. but at least, i dont hope they invest in the chinese real estate, the price of room is toooo expensive now.

  • panasianbiz says:

    Thank you for your visits and your comments, June.

    What did you think of Number one?

    Agree or disagree?

  • june says:

    i dont know, i never knew him before , i even cant see him clearly from your photos:)

  • panasianbiz says:

    I hope you enjoyed the series about the girls and boys.

    Hollywood uses them…In this case, even I could use them so some people might take a look at my business site.

    It is a kind of advertisement, business marketing, right?

    Thanks for reading.

  • alistair Reid says:

    Just curious. Is Mr Paulson Jewish by any chance? Not that it matters at all,but if he is, then the Chinese might see his new position as a Godsend.

  • alistair reid says:

    Mr. Paulson, age 59, salary US$60,000, has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since May 1999. He was Co-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer or Co-Chief Executive Officer of The Goldman Sachs Group, L.P., our predecessor, from June 1998 to May 1999, and served as Chief Operating Officer from December 1994 to June 1998. Mr. Paulson is not on the board of any public company other than Goldman Sachs. He is currently the Chairman of the Financial Services Forum. He is affiliated with certain non-profit organizations, including as a member of the Board of Directors of Catalyst.

    ***He also serves on the Advisory Board of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management.

    He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Nature Conservancy, Co-Chairman of the Asia/Pacific Council of The Nature Conservancy and Chairman Emeritus of The Peregrine Fund, Inc.

  • panasianbiz says:

    I don’t know if he is Jewish or not…but I am curious to know why you think that makes a difference.

  • panasianbiz says:

    Thanks for the additional info about Paulson. How did you come about that info?

    If he is friends with Tsinghua then he would be ‘friends’ with Hu as well, no doubt.

    What do you think?

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