Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.
Greetings from the Bay Area of San Jose,
We hope that you had an eventful year – full of good things that are.
Ours started out with Sam’s parents coming to visit us from China. Of course, Sam was thrilled to have them here for almost 6 months – being able to talk with them freely without earphones and without regard to time differences, introducing them to our friends and neighbors, taking them to our favorite parks, beaches, and shopping malls. Bill was a real champion and did well to communicate with them in Chinese!
No sooner did Sam’s parents leave than did one of Bill’s old students from Japan come to live with us for a couple of weeks that ended up being 4 months. Bill taught her in Japan when she was just 6 years old….more than 20 years ago! She didn’t get any bigger (less than five feet tall) but she did get older.
Bill’s older son, Benjamin, moved here to the Bay Area this fall and is working at becoming a full-time artist and musician. Bill’s younger son, Micah, accepted a full-ride athletic scholarship to a Div I school and is a junior in Ohio.
Sam is working as the Corporate Office Manager for a Commercial Real Estate firm home-based in Los Altos, CA. Bill stopped teaching in the college and is now working full-time at home – teaching online and writing for an online media company Panasiabiz.
Bill and Sam finally acted on a plan we had from three years ago to take a cruise to Alaska. For our birthdays – about 2 weeks apart – we took each other way up north. What a great trip! What fun! And, how relaxing for the both of us.
We have another trip planned to spend Christmas in the Midwest with Bill’s family and to celebrate his mother’s 80th birthday and younger sister’s 25th wedding anniversary.
We are already dreaming about what excitement next year will bring. We hope that you, too, had a great year that causes you to look forward to tomorrow.
God bless you and have a great Christmas and wonderful New Year.
Bill & Sam Belew
Bill & Sam,
What a year! Sounds like you were living the holidays all long year by being with family and friends.
Hope 2007 is just as good for you.