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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


Merry christmas, readers!

Merry Christmas from PanAsianBiz.

None of the Happy Holiday nonsense from me.

Yeah, I’m a believer. Christ belongs in Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the Season and all that.

There’s a good chance that Jesus wasn’t really born in December.

But there is no possibility that he was never born.

I mean, for almost 2000 years the world has been celebrating that birth. The calendar starts and stops around that birth.

Yeah, Jesus was here.

Merry Christmas.

For regular readers of PAB, the letter below is what we shared with friends.

You, my regular readers, are friends.

Greetings! We hope you had an eventful and blessed 2007.

Our year indeed was full.

The big news…our family is going to grow. Sam and I are expecting a baby girl to join us in February of next year. Her name is going to be….right. As if I would write it here now.

Speaking of growing families, Sam’s parents came to join us last month and to help with the baby preparations and such.

Sam quit working full-time and is now handling classes online for University of Phoenix as well as pitching in and helping me with my blogs. She’ll teach for a few weeks, then back off and get ready for the addition = eat a lot under pretenses the baby is hungry.

Blogs. I am working full-time from home, blogging and teaching. Around Christmas of this year, I expect to welcome my 5,000,000th viewer. I wonder, too. What are they looking at?

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Sam and I made the last step, for now, from apartment to apartment to apartment to condo/townhome to house. We bought a home in Sunnyvale, CA and are settling in for the long run. 60 some friends and family came to our house warming/welcome to Sam’s parents party last month.

Friends and family – Sam and I found a wonderful group to worship with in Palo Alto. It’s like a Midwestern Bible Belt church but here in the Valley. We love the people and they have accepted us. I teach the adult Bible study every Sunday morning.

Micah is in his fourth year of college at Wright State in Dayton and will be finishing up his swim career in Feb, 08. Still making his dad proud and thinking overtime on a name for his new little sister.

Benji moved from Japan to near us to Dayton and is now living with Micah so he can devote more time to pursuing his career – painting and composing. I’m expecting great things from someone who gives as much as he does.

My mom, 80-years young went to be home with the Lord. I look forward to a reunion with her in the kingdom when the time comes.

We Belews believe that Christ belongs in Christmas. We have a baby coming. It’s exciting. It can only be compared to how exciting it must have been when God came to be with his people as a baby.

We thank the Creator for sending his Son. We worship Him now. We worship him always.

Come see us! Come see our new baby. Come! Worship the baby who became a King with us.

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Sam, Bill, Mom, Dad and ??

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series