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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Preparing for a newborn baby:

In few days are you expecting your newborn? These are some steps which will make you prepared for your newborn baby. Instead of being panicked after the baby arrives and not knowing where to start from,  it’s better to be with your wife and prepare well in advance for the newborn to arrive.

1. Start relaxing now itself because in future there is going to be so many sleepless nights and you would be more busy and in tension to how to get all the things right.

2. Start reading the parenting books which would be more helpful to you or take the parenting class. This class or books would teach you a lot of stuff like bathing your baby, changing diapers, painting baby room, knowing more about child food. These would prepare you for your baby.

3. Start helping your partner setting up the baby room. Try to bring the baby furniture, toys beds and start arranging these before your wife asking you. This would make your wife feel happy and you yourself will also be happy doing all your baby stuff.

4. In the ninth month start talking to your baby. Let me tell you he/she can listen to you. You can start your bond with your baby without him/her coming to this world. You can make him sleep by singing a song or comforting your wife which will also give comfort to your baby too.

5. Learn how to put a baby seat in your car. So many people do it wrong. Not that you would go wrong but if you are prepared your baby will be in safe hands. Once your baby is in this world I am telling you won’t have time for anything.

6. Tell your partner your problem if you have any. Tell her if it’s not possible to be with her for a few days for any unwanted circumstance. She can have someone else arranged like her mother or mother in law or any other relative. Don’t hide it until the last moment because if she comes to know at the last moment she would be freaked out and mad too. It will indirectly hurt your baby too. So be prepared for this too.

All these steps will start preparing you as a good dad, before the born of the baby. You may have difficulties doing any of these but once you start it you would do it. And remember this, all things are for the little one who is going to bring loads of happiness in your life with his/her little footsteps. Once the baby is in your life , it will change your life forever with happiness and lots of responsibilities. So Do things in keeping your baby in mind. These few little thing’s will lessen the tension between you and your partner and both can happily prepare for the new home coming child. It will even not create any surprises once the baby arrives because you will be well prepared in advance to take good care of the new baby and your partner too. They both will be needing your help , not only as the baby’s father but in many different ways .

Thank you for reading.

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Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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