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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

My daddy teaches others how to blog, how to get people to come to their blogs. He says people come to mine. But I never see them. He says it’s because the readers come by birds in twos and threes. (Ed: virtually).

One of the questions he gets asked is “How long does it take for a blog to catch on?”

3-year old Problogger Mia Mei

The Japanese say ‘石の上にもう三年´. It means 3 years on a rock….which means, if something can last 3 years, it will likely continue on after that.

3 years!? That’s a whole life time!!

But…the good news is I guess that means I am going to make it. I mean, I am 3 years old now. I haven’t been sitting on a rock the whole time, but I have been around. Whew!

I work with my daddy sometimes. We go to Panera…get some juice, go to the bathroom, eat cookies, go to the bathroom, eat some yogurt ice cream, go to the bathroom, drink some more juice, go to the bathroom, watch, um, study my DVDs, go to the bathroom…

Sometimes I hang out with other bloggers, too. Like at Shut up and blog with problogger Bill Belew.

Yeah, that’s how a 3-year old bloggers spends her work day…when I am not watching, um, studying DVDs in English, Chinese or Japanese!

What about you? Where do you go to blog at? Who do you blog with? And who’s your daddy?

ALSO READ  Chinese church versus English Church - how to decide

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Professional Blogger, social media marketer, professor of marketing, Christian and dad.

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Growing Up Aimi Series