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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Chinese Americans

Chinese Americans

We are church goers. Daddy says he’s been going to church for a very long time … by choice. Not because he was made to by his parents or any of that stuff.

I like going to church. I have friends there. And my teachers are nice and they teach me things.

Daddy said yesterday was the first time he can remember that a church did NOT celebrate or even give mention to an American holiday – Veteran’s Day, despite the fact that it was the Veteran’s who did most of the work so that the Chinese could be here to worship in the first place.

It might be that there were just not that many veterans there … except for daddy, and it didn’t ‘come on to their radar’ to make mention of the sacrifices that have been made for freedom to worship.

Daddy has strong opinions, but he can be easy going too. He can also get disappointed. And not hold grudges.

“It’s a teaching opportunity,” says Daddy.

Churches, ethnic churches like the Chinese-American church where we worship ought to know what price was paid for freedom of religion.

A simple ‘Thank you” is all it takes for some.

I wish I were old enough for people to listen to me.

“Daddy, thank you for your service!”

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


One Comment

  • rick deutsch says:

    Great reflection. I’m a veteran of the Cold War and was at the Vet’s Parade in San Jose, CA. A girl 16 yrs old walked around gave all vets a nice card that said “Thank you for your service.” Awesome.

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Growing Up Aimi Series