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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Korean Bibimbap

Korean Bibimbap

Eating on a jet plane. I almost feel like singing that line.

Daddy told me that John Denver’s first famous hit song was, “Leaving on a jet plane.”

I asked daddy, “Who’s John Denver?”

I will tell you what he said about John Denver in another post.

This one is about holding the kimchi.

Kimchi is a spicy cabbage that the Korean’s like to eat with their meals.

Daddy got some kimchi with his bibimbap.

Daddy said that the way it is made is Korean mommies cut up the cabbage in quarters = four pieces. They throw a bunch of spices on the cabbage and put it in a crock pot. Then they bury the crock pot in the back yard and leave it there for several months. They know when it is done because the dogs will stop sniffing at it. (This is a true story!! Maybe not every Korean mommy, but the one daddy met a long time ago told him this.)

They dig it up and eat it. Not all at one time, of course.

Daddy said the little boy (3-4-years old?) took a big mouthful and daddy figured if the little boy could eat it so could daddy. Wrong!!

“Boy was it hot! My mouth burned. I grabbed the first wet thing I could find to try to put the fire out. Turns out that bowl of soup was really hot, too! Burned by kimchi. Burned by soup. After that I could eat anything because I had lost all feeling in my mouth and my taste buds were burnt off.”

ALSO READ  The Magic of Radio Jingles - 96.5 KOIT

Hold the kimchi. Unless you like really hot food. Really really hot foot.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Professional Blogger, social media marketer, professor of marketing, Christian and dad.

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Growing Up Aimi Series