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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

After reading article posted on this blogsite I also wanted share about my dad and the lesson that I learnt from him. it was good to known lot of things from this article lesson learnt on heart abnormality. It gives me great pleasure to write about my dad who is a greatest strength to me.  My dad is a person who has strong sense of caring, unconditional love towards everybody in the family and he is always there for people around him and stands along them and lead the efforts to help and motivate them while encouraging them to achieve what they wish to.

My dad is very interesting person as he is young in his thoughts and strength. He is known for his friendliness in approach and is somebody who can take a stand and be pillar for help. He is filled with loads of creativity and sense of attention at his work and for everybody around him.

He keeps interest in Music in particular Tabla and Vocal (as he is big Zakir & Bhimsain Joshi fan ) and mostly makes time to attend concerts at his leisure. He always is in lookout for new things that create sensation in technology, science, discovery apart from keeping interest in travel and adventures. I remember lot of things from my memory as he was always making a point to check everyday during our school days with our daily activities and later it included discussing and sharing our new stuff while creating enthusiasm in those new areas which he would share or that I used to bring up he had new things in that topic to discuss or tell the pros or cons associated and thus encourage with our interest while keeping us updated with the details about such topics. Be it politics, sports, music or technology we were often given lot of support to participate and give our best in delivering in them. While I failed we still had great boost of support from him in particular along with rest of family to set my things fine and this helped me to get better and confident on working at things.

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He himself being a leader at his work and held senior positions he never missed inviting us for important events and this helped us to participate and understand things that takes place in real time management activities. He is known for organizing and volunteer participation at many social and cultural organization which he says are essential to do as they keep us blended with humane ethics and social cultural well being which I believe is very much need for everybody.He always keep himself busy with so many other things like travelling, reading and creative arts. He is filled with enthusiasm.

While being a great source of inspiration he has himself also achieved so many laurels to his creativity and work while being academically intelligent he had lead and managed to motivate us to work for right cause and be a voice for things that aren’t right. While being modest and simple his passion to do the best with dedication and commitment is highly regarded thereby I would always wish that I also have some of his skills like behaving with patience and hardworking while being simple yet helpful be engrossed on me so that I can achieve the best like him.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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