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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


Social Network

Myspace takes all comers, of which I am proudly NOT one.

Facebook is for college kids. I have an account but don’t remember my login or password.

Friendster and Xanga is for twentysomethings and I have been twenty years old more than twice.

Livejournal is for the self-expressive and I can do that here.

Linkedin has never invited me and I wouldn’t join if I were invited. Who has time to pretend online?

So, why does think they have something to offer the social network scene in the US?

Acorns, Charms, CY, Minime, Mini room, Minihomes, and Neighbors are the answer.

Acorns are the currency of Cyworld. They can be bought and exchanged for furniture, music and flying baby devils to decorate a room. I always wished I had a flying baby devil. My mom once called me the devil and sent me flying across the room. Does that count?

Charms hang from cell phones in Asia. Cyworldians buy charms to hang from their home pages.

CY is Korean for relationships, pals, buddies, chums.

Minime, Mini room, mini home are the elements of Cyworld. You choose something to represent you. You give it feelings and let it be during the day in your mini room in a mini home.

Neighbors are the people in your social circle. Mine are noisy and drive us nuts. Can I move?

Cyworld already has 15,000 users and they just started. It is wholesome, cute and sweet.

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Cyworld is hoping that all the 17 – 24-year-old female users in the states will think so, too.

What do you think?

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Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series