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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


China poses an economic threat to the US

Opinion leaders and the general public were asked if they thought China posed an economic threat to the US.

Now keep in mind that the US is mighty powerful when it comes to economic strength.

Still nearly 70% of the opinion leaders say that China poses an ECONOMIC threat to the US. And 60% of the general public think China might cause harm to the US economy somehow.

In short, China is seen to be more of an economic threat to the US than a military threat.

That surprises me.

Does it surprise you?


The Committee of 100 is a national, nonpartisan organization composed of prominent American citizens of Chinese descent.  The members of this group pool their resources to address important issues that concern the Chinese/American community but, Imho, more importantly, foster better US-Greater China relations.

Recently, this group asked the polling firm ZOGBY to conduct an extensive survey of American Attitudes Toward China.  

They polled the General Population (General Public) as well as Chinese Americans. Business leaders, Opinion leaders and Congressional staffers, subsets of the general public were also polled.  

In the coming weeks, I want to share in this blog some/many of their findings. 

 In keeping with the Committee of 100 ideas I hope my blogs create discussion and are used to better understand U.S.-China relations and help those concerned to formulate recommendations on how to improve relationships between these two great countries. 

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series