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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


Fashion Conscious Dads

These fashion conscious dads have a lot of taste for trendy clothes, accessories and make a statement wherever they go. They make their presence felt in different parts of life that they are involved with and are generally do not have the time for everybody in their busy life. Usually, these people are directly or indirectly connected to the glam world in some form or the other, so they buy the latest cars, clothing which often designer wear and watches that are branded and accessories that go along with the clothing in order to draw attention to themselves and be the center of attraction.  These dads are seen buying a variety of magazines and reading up on them and these magazines are usually lifestyle magazines on health and fitness or they might be on the new fashion trends which really interests and intrigues them.

Some of these dads are also celebrity dads in the big club and tend to be very fashion conscious when it comes to creating a very trendy and a modern self-image.  These dads want to stand out in a crowd and thrive on controversy and attention from onlookers who are sometimes taken a back by their display of wealth and luxury in the way they conduct themselves and it becomes even more obscene in some case where these dads draw attention to themselves for cheap publicity. These fashion conscious dads also come in a variety of packages  and can differ based on the personality traits of the particular individual and some can be a bit narcissistic and really very self-centric and can be a source of controversy all their lives with paparazzi and media henchmen hounding them all the time.

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They also do this for a reason because they want to be in the spotlight and keep themselves in news for additional publicity, the point is that you can love them or hate them but you cannot simply ignore them as they keep coming back with trendy outfits and try hit the headlines of a famous tabloid magazine or the television channels and impress their followers or to gain new followers.  Some of them are able to successfully raise a prosperous and a healthy family and some of them end up in doldrums with their family life in shambles and penniless. Their profession is the most important source of their financial viability where as it is the same profession which also a source of tension and constant discomfort.  They are always seen to be achievers,  chasing their dreams,

They are always seen to be achievers,  chasing their dreams, fame and aspirations in order to make more money and power which is  very important to them and recognition is all that they crave for all their lives.  This made scramble sometimes get them to a point of no return, where they cannot redeem themselves and have a normal life and are pushed towards the abyss.  The children of these fashion conscious dads are mostly followers of them and inculcate their sense of style and dressing and are often seen craving for attention, love and personal time with these dads and many of them are time constrained and are chasing deadlines and managing tight schedules due to their tough professional life.

The spouses of these fashion conscious dads although many of them are supportive of their husbands are always insecure in many case and live with a constant sense of anxiety and confusion as these butterfly dads are tough to chase and they attract attention from the members of the opposite sex. They sense that their relationship will always be under a cloud from outsiders or intruders.

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Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series