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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.



What are the 3 most popular sports in the world?

I believe I know the answer to that question.

# 3 – Playing Cricket. All of south Asia – the sub-continent, as well as many countries in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, the West Indies and England play the sport. Some 19 countries will participate in the Cricket World Cup 2011. In the next four months or so, some 300 million people will be wrapped up watching the Indian Premier League. Im agine everybody, that’s EVERYBODY, in the United States watching the same sporting event. The World Series and Super Bowl don’t come close. Here’s a link the upcoming 2009 IPL schedule, which by the way, will be played in South Africa because India cannot guarantee the safety of players in the home country. Think the entire MLB season being hosted in some Central American country. Well, a lot of players come from those countries, but that’s a different subject. Cricket gets spot number 3.

# 2 – Playing Soccer – Football. I understand that soccer is the most natural of sports on earth. Someone once said, “Put a ball in front of a child and watch what happens. They will kick it.” It’s true. Everybody loves to kick a ball. To kick a ball pass someone. To keep someone from kicking a ball past them. Kick, run, block, kick, rinse, repeat. When Adam got bored in the Garden of Eden, chances are he kicked a round stone around the place…until Eve was created, I suppose. At which point, I am sure he found something else to do. FIFA World Cup 2010 will be watched by the World. Some 204 teams have qualified, of which 32 will participate. It doesn’t get much bigger than that…or does it. There is one bigger sport.

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# 1 – Playing Church. Bear with me here. After all, SVCE is a site about the Christian goings on here in the Valley and in the world. It is estimated that there are some 2 billion Christians (depending on your definition) in the world. A survey I came across (non-scientific) said that about two-thirds of them planned to be in church this past Easter Sunday. That would be more people than the number watching/playing soccer or cricket, combined. And, sad to say, at the risk of being judgmental. Many of the folk are/were just playing church. Isaiah 29:12-14 and Mark 7:5-7 apply.

How about you? Are you a church player? Or are you the part of the church in action, daily, always? I am the latter.

Interested in more cricket, too?

Watch live cricket streaming online free: Option 7

Watch live cricket streaming online free: Option 6
Watch live cricket streaming online free: Option 5
Watch live cricket streaming online free: Option 4
Watch live cricket streaming online free: Option 3
Watch live cricket streaming online free: Option 2
Watch live cricket streaming online free: Option 1
Watch Indian Premier League, IPL, live cricket streaming online free

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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