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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Afghanistan missionaries

Afghanistan Missionaries

What do you know about Afghanistan? What is there to know besides there’s a war going on”way over there”?

Afghanistan is first on my list of countries in Asia.

Here are 25 facts about Afghanistan that everyone ought to know. Maybe you have a few facts to add.

1. Afghanistan has about 33 million people, less than the state of California (36M) or the entire country of Canada.

2. Afghanistan is about the size of California and Oregon combined.

3. Afghanistan has about 1/4 of its people in the city (1/3rd of them in Kabul) and the rest in the countryside.

4. Kabul,the capital, (2.9million) by population is about the size of Chicago, Madrid, Pyongyang, or Melbourne. It’s # 58 in the world in terms of population.

5. Half of the people in Afghanistan speak Persian, 1/3rd speak Pashto, 1/10th speak Uzbek or Turkmen.

6. Afghanistan is 99% Muslim (84% Sunni/15 Shia).

7. Afghanistan’s life expectancy is 44.2 years (44.4-women) 44 for men. Nearly one in six children die at birth. Nearly half (45%) of the population is less than 14 years old. The average age is 17.6 years. Each woman bears 6+ children.

8. There is only one doctor per every 5,000+ people.

9. One in five women can read. One in two men can read. There are only 6 years of compulsory education.

10. Afghan is friends with Pakistan, India, Finland, Germany and Belgium – where the country exports to, and Pakistan, South Korea, Japan, United States and Germany – where the country imports from.

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11.  70% of the country’s power comes in hydroelectric source and 30% by thermal sources.

12. There is only one radio for every 8 people.


13. There is only one telephone for every 333 people

14. There is only one television for every 85 people. (They aren’t missing anything.)

15. There are no internet hosts. (They are missing a lot.)

16. There is about one car for every 500 people and only 1/4th of all roads are paved.

17. Afghanistan is 90% dependent on aid as it rebuilds.

18. Only 2 in 5 schools in Afghanistan have buildings.

19. Some 92% of the world’s heroin comes from poppies grown in Afghanistan.

20. Afghanistan is landlocked by Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

21. Afghanistan has natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, chromite, talc, barites, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt, precious and semiprecious stones.

22. Afghanistan is limited in natural fresh water and has inadequate potable water, is overgrazed, deforested, desertified and suffers from air and water pollution as well as earthquakes.

23. There is no AIDS in Afghanistan.

24. Afghanistan is older than the United States -founded in 1747 by Ahmad Shah Durrani.

25. Afghanistan can only get better.

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Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.


  • Kristen King says:

    What a great list of facts about Afghanistan. As much as we talk about it in the US, I bet a lot of people are like me: ignorant of anything about the country other than the war. Excellent article.

  • Mark Earhart says:

    I sincerely hope the situation in Afghanistan improves for its people. As long as NATO is there murdering I see only a grim future for them.

  • smay says:

    I have researched #23 and have found it to be untrue. Do you have a reference for it?

  • ikballz says:

    this website suks just kiding it has the best

    facts ever lol

  • Uncle B says:

    I guess we are their to rape the oil resource and may be the copper, then, poof! we will l be gone, same for GM workers in the states, capitalism at gunpoint! We stink America!

  • Muslim Afghan for Life :) says:

    wow no offense but have this article isn’t true but thanks for trying!!!

  • Jim Jones says:

    What a terrible place to live, living in Australia, I guess I take so much for granted.I have to laugh though, it reads as a terrible country yet the center google add is offering to move people there!!!!

  • channelle says:

    i feel like afghanistan is a bad influence and we should help more people out of that price of crapp they call home…..lllol no affect

  • chick who cairs says:

    u know a lot of these facts r untrue and AIDS is in afghanistan you need to do more research and include refrences so we have proof and stuff u know what i mean like #25 is not a fact at all it could possabley get worse and stuff but is a hellhole of a place im glad im pamperd in the safety of my home and school
    -harmony ruiz

  • wahed says:

    sorry :
    5. Half of the people in Afghanistan speak Persian, 1/3rd speak Pashto, 1/10th speak Uzbek or Turkmen
    that is wrong because moor then Half of the people in Afghanistan speak Pashto and 1/3 speak Persian and 1/8 speak Uzbak or turkmen .

  • qJKEUHKR says:

    aww i feel soo srry for those people

  • qJKEUHKR says:

    im feelin saaadd

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