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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Coach dads are those dads who create a mission a goal for their children and their families and make their lives worthwhile and are constantly encouraging them in any of the endeavours that they are a part of.  My dad has always been my coach when it comes to sports, life or travel or making important decisions of my life my dad has always been there for me and the members of my family, juggling their time efficiently between people.

I had lots of good travel experiences with my dad and usually these memories usually bring the most joyful experiences that I have ever had and these experiences are an intrinsic portion of my upbringing and part of my mental conditioning when I grew up as a child and these experiences are sure fun in every child’s life. As part these experiences that I have had, these travel experiences are the most memorable.  The travel experiences that I have had with my dads and being able are undertaken by most of us as part of mental maturation process. As a kid,  I used to travel extensively with my father and I traveled throughout different parts of my country and the united states of america.

I totally cherished and relished every bit of these long and overseas trips, where I learnt many different ideas and methods in order to successfully survive in this competitive world and also become life smart instead of being just examination smart as a nerd.  These experiences have had an impact the way my overall mindset has been shaped and the way in which my mental horizons have taken roots and expanded into different paths of life and the way these experiences have helped me navigate different circumstances in life. These definitely had a major role in the way my attitudes and thinking have taken shape. On every trip, what would happen is that, I would come across some new situation or circumstance and from these life changing experiences, I would be able to jump hoops and circumvent any situation in life.

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There’s experiences have really helped broaden my perspectives and expand my mental horizons which are extremely valuable.  My dad would encourage me to go out in any of these new places and discover these places on my own and try to be on my own. My dad would also create small tasks in which, I have to solve a problem or find something on my own so that I was able to create a work around that problem and come out on top of the situation. This coaching have proved to be immensely valuable to be as they have helped and guided me throughout and my MBA student life here in America.

My dad would also ensure that I connect with new people on the way and create new friends and acquaintances and make sure that continue these memorable relationships during different journeys that I am a part of and therefore what he would do is always encourage me to make these new connections during the travel and irrespective of whether it is a train journey or an aircraft  journey, the main expectation from my father would be my being able to mix with the locals in a particular location and also negotiate with vendors for buying any artifacts and items during the travel.  My dad would also make sure that I am extra cautious when it comes to dealing with strangers and not to trust anyone blindly just by their sweet talks and the gifts that they give you in order to befriend you.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series