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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Techie dads spend most of their time before the laptop writing code and researching Google on the latest flashing news in the tech industry.  They are always online playing with their laptop, iPad or smart phones and browse all day instead of spending quality times with their spouse or children.  This behavior is really annoying to some people who are around them and often people wonder if they had anything better to do rather than spending time before the computer.  Some of them become slaves to the machine and not act wisely in order to balance their time with their friends and family.  Some of them even when they are out to enjoy with their family members are still busy browsing  the internet for news or playing with same gaming app which pisses off people around them.

Understandably these dads are very technical minded and go out of their way to buy fancy and latest gadgets which they do not really need because they would have bought a similar gadget some time back and without using it fully till its lifetime they switch to the latest gadget in the market.  They spend lavishly on fancy gadgets because it intrigues their technical curiosity and  is fashionable among their other geek friends around whom they can flash their new device therefore making them feel a sense of community that is unique in taste and outlook. They are often seen in casuals rather than formals and with glasses because they spend most of their time staring at the monitor and reading material of the internet and keep downloading content from the web.

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Techie dads also help out their children in many ways with their school projects or helping them with course work on their school activities.  They ensure that their children are raised in a financially sound and secure environment because they want to be number one in what ever they do or take up and because of this fact they raise their children in an atmosphere of competitiveness and hard work, which they believe is an important recipe for success.  They have a constant longing and desire for striving towards excellence and believe in making their dreams come true through constantly pushing the boundaries of technology, innovation and science through continuous improvisation and learning practices.

These  dads are also seen pushing their kids very hard towards reaching to the top in education in their classrooms and are often seen very dissatisfied with the results of their children, even though their children might be performing fairly well and are above average as compared to their peers in the classrooms.  These dads try and imbibe strict code of conduct and method in the minds of their children from a very early age so that these kids set themselves very high standards and raising the bar for these dads is an important factor for these dads.

These dads also do not take things lightly and are very hard on themselves and their kids and spouses in ensuring that their personal and social goals are met .

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.




Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series