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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

I love the princesses. Snow White is one of my favorites. I mean, seriously. How can anybody pick a favorite princess? They are all amazing.

Only my daddy can pick a favorite. He says, “Mia is my favorite princess.” He he he.

These days Snow White is my favorite.

I mean she has seven very special friends, one of them even being Grumpy!

Snow White and Grumpy

Well, I learned that Grumpy lives next to us. He gets mad and yells and his dog barks real loud and he yells and he pounds on the fence and he yells and scares me and my grandma and grandpa and he yells and he walks his big dog and he yells and and and…

How does Snow White put up with someone like Grumpy? I’ll have to learn that lesson from her next time I go to Disneyland.

But for now here is my star gee (Ed: strategy) for when I get yelled at by a Grumpy.

When I get yelled at by a Grumpy, I’ll smile back a lot.

When I get yelled at by a Grumpy, I’ll put on my prettiest face.

When I get yelled at by a Grumpy, I’ll dance in circles.

When I get yelled at by a Grumpy, I’ll giggle a lot.

When I get yelled at by a Grumpy, I’ll sing and whistle a happy tune.

No matter how grumpy my neighbor gets, not me, I am not going to be like him. I am going to be like my hero…Show White.

ALSO READ  6 sarcastic parenting phrases that are used but shouldn't be

Do you think it’ll work?

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Professional Blogger, social media marketer, professor of marketing, Christian and dad.

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Growing Up Aimi Series