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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


Adopt a child.

Adopting a child is not an easy task as it looks . Although you might think yourself as a great human being and set ahead to adopt a child in need, but have you ever imagined all those people out there ready to help hundred of different children affected by different causes why not adopt a child and help him/her. Yes there are many reasons which come to light before thinking of adopting a child .Few out of them very common to all are

  • Are you ready to adopt , or just planning to help a child in need.
  • Are you worthy enough to have an adopted child which you think you can handle after some time.
  • Are you financially stable adopting a child already affected my financial and mental instability.
  • Are you aware of the adoption process and ready to deal with it before planning to adopt a child for you and your family.
  • Do other family members in your family are ready to accept the new adopted child and you had consented to them before planning to adopt a child.
  • Do you have children of your own and are they aware of your decision to adopt a new child.

These are some of the very important facts which come into consideration when you plan adopting a child. In regards to that there are other statutory rules which make the adoption process difficult from state to state. Every state has their own set of rules and when checked some even though having the above requirements cleared you may still not qualify for adoption. So before planning to adopt check out with your nearest state governing body and try visiting other adoption homes around your area. The process of adoption is a lengthy process so one has to very patient and meet lots of people around the area and also take ideas from parents who have already adopted ones. Few of the things to be taken care during the process going on papers like,

  • Get lots of experience with other foster children all ages there by letting yourself gain knowledge about the likes and traits.
  • Get educated on all things child related starting from babies to adult children  .
  • Keep enough savings to deal with the new incoming expenses that come with the new child .
  • Question and have answers towards all state regulations, if required have a meet with the lawyer, they can answer many of your queries .
  • Clear about regulations regarding single or married parents and their adopting procedures if any.
  • Have enough space for the new child to accommodate at your home along with you and your family members.
  • Check for any changes to be done to house before the arrival of the new member , like fencing for small children and their own personal room , house furniture and many more.
  • Arrange adequate transportation as after adoption you may require to visit the agency and many other offices for further works related to after the child arrives to you .
  • The most important part is to manage your family members and your own kids if you have any and let them understand your wish to adopt a new child and taking consent of them in all other matters shows their importance towards the adoption process.
  • You should be ready to show the agency about your readiness and willingness so as to ease the process and get approved soon for  the adoption process.
ALSO READ  Dad- I still count on you today.

For all those good people out there it is our humble request to step forward and look towards adopting a child and help relieve those hundreds out there living a life of mental and physical abuse and away from their birth parents. By adopting or helping someone adopt a single child in need  in our community we could be contributing our share of work towards the development of the society and the country.

Thank you for reading.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series