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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


Blogging in Japan

I spent nearly 20 years in Japan.

The company I started grew to five branches on two main islands and one branch in the U.S. At one point my company was in the top five income bracket for sole proprietorships (jieigyou).

Rogers once said, “If you can do it, it ain’t bragging.” Japan‘s version of the IRS did not let me forget my company’s success when they made three special trips to audit me over the course of nine years. The last audit was a week long knock down drag out fight. –  I won. I will expand on that in future blogs.

It is my intention in this blog to share what I did, what I know and what I did wrong. Japan is a great country and despite being in a funk for more than 10 years…make that 15, it is still there and still churning out first-rate products and hard working people. I want to do my part in calling attention to and if necessary lead the way in getting Japam out of the recession and back on the money spending trail. They do have money there.

I think that fundamental to doing business successfully in Japan, one must make the effort to understand these unique people, to know their culture and their country. That is why I will spend much time in this blog introducing them, their ways, their language and their beautiful country.

A little knowledge will go a long way….it may even take you to the
Far East .

Question: Where is Japan?

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series