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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


Marketing with Social Media

Blogs are the new face of the web, or website whatever you know it as . They are the real heroes in the e-world who have in due course of time grown and a time will come they will be all over the internet grown into humungous shape and size , not in physical terms but in terms of views and traffic. They are and will undoubtedly stay the king of all forms of social media and will lead the world in many different ways in near future. The more you feed them the more they grow and grow and grow. So about me I joined a class of social media few weeks back at my university in silicon valley and had since been started my new blog about dads.

According to the first day in class the professor emphasized on a very crucial role to play in the field of blogging and to become successful in the world of blogging and make an earning out of it in due course of time. He stated that blogging is not an easy task like sitting in front of Facebook and sharing posts pictures and videos or sending short messages. What he mentioned was blogging requires your dedication , your effort and passion to blog. Any of the three things going down volume will at the end produce no results. So the first few weeks started in a dull note as we were totally new to the concept, but as time passed by the work ethics started showing up , as at first it was very difficult to write one single post and today i feel like writing at a good pase. He also emphasized that only by writin on your niche topic everyday you are not going to add traffic to your website. It depends on the type of search engine optimization writing you do. He also says the title of the topic plays a very crucial role in the eyes of the reader. If it’s catchy then people will stick with you to read more and more.

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After every week of blogging he shared his new tips and proven trick which he has been doing for the past few years and has achieved sure shot success and earning every single day. After putting his tricks all it seems are the saying gonna true to the best of time and my website has been on the list of top 10 most visited sites and will continue to do so as I will be putting more and more effort and energy in doing it. This week its all about how to start from scratch for a new blogger and make his own business blog. Yes blogging does earn for you if you work for it and with it every single day. The more you work the more results it will show every single day and a time will come you will be flooded with traffic and in turn generating revenue. But yes its all not one night stand , that needed to be done regularly and consistently . All the facts which he explained in his class few weeks before we started our first blog has shown results and will continue showing more if we follow his steps and in turn out to be a successful blogger some day in time. 

In the following few weeks I will specially put emphasis on writing good original content and search engine oriented content which will automatically show up when we search in general. Thus allowing traffic flow to my new website and if possible I too will be able to taste the truth of success. Till then stay tuned and happy blogging.

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Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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