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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

What qualities make your child a hero

What qualities make your child a hero

What qualities make your child a hero? | How to raise a well-respected child (Part 4)

“It’s always the right time to do the right thing,” daddy says.

Mark Twain wrote chuckle berries and fins. (Ed. Huckleberry Finn).

Twain said, “You don’t have to remember what you said if you always tell the truth.”

We sometimes hear people say, “I can’t remember what I told him/her.” If they told the truth they don’t have to remember, right?

“I can’t remember what I did at such and such a time …”

If we did the right thing, we don’t have to remember, right?

Quality # 4 – Integrity

Daddy was in the Navy. He said one of the best pieces of advice he ever got was that when the Captain called him to explain why he did what he did even there was not the best result, he should say, “Captain, I did what I thought what was right at the time.”

Daddy was called on the carpet by the Captain a few times. Each time he defended himself by telling the Captain he did what he thought was right.

Being depended on to always to the right thing means you have integrity.

Of course we don’t always know what is the right thing to do. But we can know that we will always do what we think is right. At least until we know what is right.

I haven’t learned the difference between being teased and lying.

Sometimes I ask daddy, “Are you telling the truth?”

He looks at me real serious, “Mia, I always tell you the truth.”

Hmm… a daddy that always does the right thing.

I want to be honest and do the right thing all the time, too.

How do you teach your children to always do the right thing?

Read also:

What qualities make your child a hero? | How to raise a well-respected child (Part 1)

What qualities make your child a hero? | How to raise a well-respected child (Part 2)

What qualities make your child a hero? | How to raise a well-respected child (Part 3)

What qualities make your child a hero? | How to raise a well-respected child (Part 5)

What qualities make your child a hero? | How to raise a well-respected child (Part 6)

What qualities make your child a hero? | How to raise a well-respected child | Summary

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Professional Blogger, social media marketer, professor of marketing, Christian and dad.


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Growing Up Aimi Series