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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Giving life to an abused child

Giving life to an abused child

Fostering a child is one very good social activity one can do and help return the society back our share of contribution. But it totally depends upon the type of person you are and the willingness to do it. Being a foster dad is not an easy task . It is sometimes not even advisable to be a foster dad for those who do not have patience and zeal. But some of the time all it the will of the other half who wants to take care and become a foster mother. So at this point of time If you don’t have any options left here are some of the best things to do before going ahead with your decision.

Check your finances first- check whether you will be able to take care of his new person joining your family as the expenses are going to rise and may not be what you have calculated and have idea off. Just taking a child into care does not end up the issue , it is the start of new financial issue like schooling , healthcare and many more to come .Sitting with your partner and inquiring every possible medium to plan the expenses.

Are you capable- being a foster dad is not so easy. It is you who have to manage things out , you may also be the working man of the family and working long hours for the day so do you really make up with the new changes which will come with the process of taking care of a new foster child.

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Are you ready to be a dad – playing a dad’s role is very vital for both the child and yourself. You may be leading a lazy life before the child , but as soon as you are ready for being the dad all you need is change up your lifestyle as being a new dad if you don’t have kids and this is your first time . You may even have to change your daily habits so as to tend yourself into the new dad picture.

Stress on relationship- check out whether you two will make up with the assigned responsibilities or will just start fighting as soon as the new responsibility comes to hand. So its better to sit together and find out the possibilities about your personal time with your wife. Being a foster dad also shares your time with your new child. Think about it for sure and discuss every aspect with your wife for certain.

Check with your children- this may be the most difficult part to deal with. Inquire with them whether they are really happy with your decision to be foster parents and they are ready to deal and accommodate with the new home coming. They needed to be understood from their own prospective not your decision. Sit and talk with them first .

These are some of the few crucial steps before even planning to become foster parents and specially a foster dad. If you have any other new  things to be considered helpful to people out there willing to be foster parent  please feel happy to share with us.

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Thank you for reading

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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