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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.


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Fostering a child is good work but planning to foster a child along with your own kids make it much more difficult for some parents . So after knowing all the odds if you are still ready to go ahead and do the good work o fostering a new child to your home why not plan training your kids how to deal with the new child . Here are a few points to be taken care before the foster child is ready to arrive at your home. Why not make our kids learn about their role when planning to foster a new child.

1. Every foster child may upset because of ongoing problems with him and his family so it is most important to know about this fact and let your,so when the new foster child arrives they can give him enough space in their home and try understand his new nature . In that way they tend to be closer towards the new child.

2. Make your child understand the reason to stay confidential about the foster child in care . By doing this he will learn not to disclose any information regarding to the foster child and his family members with any outsiders and even with family and friends.

3. Children do tend to ask a lot of questions about any unknown thing , it is their own nature and you cannot stay away from it. But let them understand not to ask too many questions for the new foster member in your family their by making the foster child feel more insure and upset. You can always keep an  eye upon this.

4. Teaching your child to be a role model in his family and make others kids learn from him will encourage him to stay good for the new foster child and also to other members of the family there by creating good confidence in him . In doing this you may also be helping to gain some help from your child towards the development of the foster kid and your child can help set an example for the foster kid to learn from. Children have a very important role as they are the ones who are most often sharing time even more than you with the foster kids. They may be the one accompanying the foster kid to school

and other play activities.

5. One important aspect of your child should be knowing the difference between good touch and bad touch. It is for the safety of your own child and help him out know the difference when in connection with the foster child . A foster child may act out sexually or physically , so your children need to know when and how to say no to wrong situations thereby helping him stay away from unwanted danger to him as well as to the foster child. It is the most responsibility of the foster parents to have supervision upon the foster child and your own children till the time you feel safe about this sort of situations. There is no particular duration for you to feel safe so it is good to have supervision all the time for the safety of your own kid and the foster child.

6. Listening to your child’s concern make the child more comfortable with you and also let him know you are there to listen about any situation bothering him in regards to the new foster child at home. In that way they can discuss any matter of concern going between them and the foster child. This will even help you know about the relation and adaptability between your child and the foster child as apparent to both of them.

Thank you for reading.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.


Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series