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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

Summer gonna be there , so all parents be ready to take care and spend time with foster kids . About to go crazy with all the kids home for Summer break? Having a list of things to do with the kids can be a great help. Fostering a child is not so easy , it requires great patience and time all the year round in an working family. So summer is the best time for you and your kids along with the family to relax and let the kids enjoy too. every one wants to be in for break this summer so why not plan some thing which can have time for you and for the kids too . Here are few tips to do this summer along with your kids  and the foster child too.

1. Visiting a library- going to a library is the best thing to do during summer . There you can stay quiet alone reading books of your own interest and also engage the kids in reading various books of there own interest. There are even events like craft and other vocational activities organized for children of various age groups and also children and parents gathering for fun and parties. You can enroll any within your area and stay acknowledged about them around the corner. The second best part is to do all the same thing with a small group organized by you or your neighbor around your home or their home so you all can participate and even let your kids come together and know other people around your community.

ALSO READ  How to Raise Kids Bilingually in a Chinese and American environment

2. Remember the old real summer fun days of childhood – since in our kid days we have used to troll around the pools and lay lazy the whole day around. Making tents around your own house and playing yard games along with others in the family used to make the summer much enjoyable . The same old thing can still be done today with your kids but as a parent this time for you. Even kids plan swimming and learn a lot of family entertainment ideas. Same goes to the foster child and your own kid . They get them to understand each other during play sessions and other activities.

3. Getting together with other family – the best way to take a break from busy summer routine will be sending your kids to another friend having kids of the same age group in that way making you alone foe some time and even helpfull for you to have some rest from busy work schedule, also its your turn to help the other moms even take care of them after you invite their kids for a dine out party or play together.arrangements need s to me made in after discussing both family summer plans .

4. Why not some house /lawn work taken care off- for doing this kind of work the child needs to be a little older in age and if for a foster child should be approved by the foster agency . By doing this the child will be gaining some extra cash for his outdor spending and alsio will enjoy outdoors ithout your presence.

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5. Doing some of the old summer jobs- a secondary option for older kids in the home but worth effective in ways of guiding them and being in time and disciplined, it not only gives them enough time to mentor their thoughts and workout in good manner but also provides them with piece of work ethics . Some of them even enjoy the extra eaning which accompany with daily chores.

the list is on and on and on so to be continued in the next part of this summer time spending with kids. Till then stay tuned for more foster caring information and also visit my blog.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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