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The first Disney Princess movie I ever saw was Tangled. Gosh, the first big screen movie I saw was the one about Rapunzel. I loved it. I loved her.  And I have loved Disney and their princesses ever since.

I want to be like Rapunzel. I want my hair to be 70-feet long, blonde and something I can control to do magical things.

Rapunzel and I – The Same as Black and Blonde

Not really. My hair is black with a tint of brown from my daddy. The tips are a bit bleached now, too … from swimming. And if my hair were any longer it would take way too long to get ready for school in the morning meaning I’d have to get up earlier.

There are some positive personality traits of Rapunzel that are cool, however.

Rapunzel and Me - we dream dreams

Rapunzel and Me – Dreaming dreams

19 Positive Personality Traits That I Learn from Princess Rapunzel

Disciplined – you try telling yourself to get everything she got done each day … BEFORE … 7:15. I am an early riser … but only because daddy gets me up. I don’t do as much as Rapunzel does before 7:15. Not yet.

Determined – it has to be tough to stand up to the only authoritative figure you have ever known. The only person you have ever known. But Rapunzel had in mind something she wanted and she went for it even she was told she couldn’t or shouldn’t.

Self-motivated – it’s much easier when there are teammates, school mates, friends and foes to motivate you. Pascal was all Rapunzel had and she still excelled. And she told herself to do it. My daddy tells a story about when he had to  ….

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Studious – good reader. This is my favorite. I love, love, love to read. Good learner. It’s not enough to just read. I have to remember, too … and put things together … and also spill out. Which I did! See below!

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Click => 172 Personality Traits for ALL the Disney Princesses in One Place … plus bonus story – The Little Traveler

Related: Read 11 Positive Personality Traits of Princess Mulan Worth Developing

Develops and nurtures talents – never stopped growing or trying to improve. I never knew there were so many things that could be learned that are so interesting – painting, chess …

Curious – the cat may be dead, but not Rapunzel. She kept learning because she kept wondering. I am still young and still learning what there is to learn. Art, dance, writing …

Enterprising – did you see what she could do with her hair and a frying pan? My daddy and I love the song ‘Trashing the Can’ in Tarzan. Those animals could ‘make do’ with what they had … and make good, too! “Do something with what you have rather than do nothing because you are missing something,” is what daddy says.

Anxious – but not paralyzed. If there is not a nervousness about a new venture, chances are you are not taking things seriously enough. Rapunzel got antsy … then acted out on her ambitions.

Conflicted – yet not stopped. She didn’t let uncertainty stop her from doing something.

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Shy – but not buried by the louder elements around her. I am shy, or reserved. Sometimes I don’t want to or am not comfortable stepping out. I can learn from Rapunzel to step into new circumstances even I don’t quite know what to expect.

Jumpy – nervous excitement is good. Distraction is not. Unless you are on the receiving end of a clobber by a frying pan.  He he he.

Worrisome – thoughtfulness is good. Being frozen with worry is not. I love that Rapunzel always moved forward.

Thrill of discovery – too often we don’t get that excitement from learning or experiencing something new because we have no “I wonder … ” in us. Or because we think ‘thrilling’ equals fearsome. Not the same. I want to not lose sight of how much fun is to learn something new.

Courageous – courage is not letting fear get the best of us. Not fearless. Courageous is not letting fear stop you.

Brave – brave is acting with courage, setting fear aside and doing something with your convictions.

Smart – more than just head knowledge. Doing good with the knowledge that you have. Rapunzel spent 18 years learning. After she stepped out she started applying the many lessons she had learned.

Kind – did you notice how she treated the rabble at the Loose Goose? It did not occur to her that some people should be treated differently. She treated everyone the same … with kindness.

Charismatic – you either have it or you don’t. Dreamers who act have it. Before she knew it, she had everyone dancing, singing and sharing dreams.

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Adventurous – not reckless. Well, maybe a little. But still under control … for the most part. If you know how everything is going to turn out, there is no adventure.

Strong – of character, will, desire, determination … and she can hold her own weight when she swings, too!

Self-reliant – she totally made do with what she had to work with. No complaints. No shoes either!

What did I miss?

Please take a look.

Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 37 and 33. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8, 9, 10 … now 11!

Bill Belew

Professional Blogger, social media marketer, professor of marketing, Christian and dad.

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Growing Up Aimi Series