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Who doesn’t like movies? And sushi?

Sushi and movies have to go together, right?

I wonder. Will the movie theater let me bring my dog, Sushi, to the movie?

My dog, Sushi

My dog, Sushi, and me

Sushi is my dog. We like to wrap him up in a green blanket and he looks just like a sushi roll.

Sushi is the definition of loyalty – a delicious trait for anyone to have. Daddy says that when Sushi hears me and mommy coming home – he recognizes the closing of the car door and the opening of the the back gate – Sushi will run to the back door and sit patiently like he is at attention … and wait. What a picture!

Loyalty in Action

In the mornings Sushi will just stand at the door to Mommy’s bedroom and wait and wait … and wait. Then jump for joy when he sees her.

I know what faithfulness looks like in action when I see Sushi. He is my forever friend.

I do wish we could take him to see the movie, DOG DAYS.

SYNOPSIS:  DOG DAYS – In Theaters on Aug 8.

DOG DAYS is a hilarious and heartfelt ensemble comedy that follows the lives of multiple dog owners and their beloved fluffy pals.  When these human and canine’s paths start to intertwine, their lives begin changing in ways they never expected.  This is a sweet film about the joy our furry friends bring into our lives and what they can teach us about treating people with kindness and compassion.  DOG DAYS releases in theaters in August 8.

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More pics from the movie!!

DOG DAYS in Theaters Aug 8

DOG DAYS in Theaters Aug 8

Vanessa Hudgens stars as “Tara” in Ken Marino’s DOG DAYS, a LD Entertainment release.  Credit : Jacob Yakob / LD Entertainment

Nina Dobrev stars as “Elizabeth” in director Ken Marino’s DOG DAYS, a LD Entertainment release. Credit : Jacob Yakob / LD Entertainment

See you at the movie!

Will your dog with you, too?

Bill Belew

Professional Blogger, social media marketer, professor of marketing, Christian and dad.

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Growing Up Aimi Series