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Bill Belew has raised 2 bi-cultural kids, now 34 and 30. And he and his wife are now parenting a 3rd, Mia, who is 8.

There are so many lessons I have learned from my dad, I don’t know from where to start and where to end. But I can say one thing, every girl in their fairy tales sees her dad as a hero. My dad is no different  He is my super hero who fought with all the difficulties and set my path so that I can reach success. Let me start with his story.

He was born in a remote village to an average middle class family. His struggle started right from the age of four when he lost his father. Losing the sole bread earner made all his family members to struggle from such a small age. However he completed his studies and got a job in the defense services. That was the start of his life. For his good work he was sent abroad to get trained, so that he can serve his country with all the good ideas and training. Since then he never looked back facing all the difficulties and giving his family a better life.

To me he is my real godfather. Right from the childhood he taught us the value of relationships rather than money. He gave us all the things which his pocket allowed. I remember, once in my college life I failed in one of my subjects. I was very upset but he believed in me. He struggled for me, tried to get my exam papers and made sure nothing wrong had happened during the corrections.  And you know what I came out with flying colors. Since then my struggle started and he was there in every step of my life to correct it. After my engineering I wanted to go abroad for my master’s degree but never gave a thought about it because I knew my dad’s pocket wouldn’t allow that. But when he came to know about this he just told me to go and fulfill my dreams. He told me he was back of me and won’t let anything come between me and my dreams.  I came abroad and completed my master’s degree by studying sleepless nights and even doing my part time jobs.

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After completing my studies I thought now everything would be ok, right then the recession hit, once again testing my patience. Even then he was there to back me up, telling me there is some good coming your way so you are having small troubles. Then one fine day I got my job which I always dreamt of. I was on the top of the world, let him know that both of our hard work had paid off.

The story started from the remote village to United States of America. The lessons which I learned from him are

  • To value the relationships.
  • To work hard until you reach your goal.
  • Think higher even if your pocket doesn’t allow.
  • Try to help at least one needy person.
  • Have trust in yourself and God.
  • Never think you are less compared to anyone.
  • Have the guts to face all the difficulties.

He is my role model which I look up to. He has taught me so many things which in the future, would want to inculcate these qualities in my children too. I have inherited these qualities from him and want the same for my kids too. Because of his hard work I am working in my dream job and having all the happiness of my life with my loved ones. Thanks dad for all the happiness, love and courage you gave me and laid my path so nicely and beautifully. Love you Dad.

Talk to Bill and others about their experiences raising bi-cultural Japanese-American kids.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series