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In this post, we want to:

  1. give you a second try to tell us what is unique to our cover- The Floating City
  2. give you some options for what to read next.
  3. Share updates on our writing projects.
  4. offer something special for UK readers ONLY
  5. make a special announcement for you something to look forward to
  6. send final thoughts.

Can You Tell Us What is Unique?

We got so many replies! It was hard to keep up. Out of those many replies, however, just two of you readers were able to tell us what we think is unique about our covers.

The cover is about our book, has our title and our names. They are unique to us, but not what we think makes our cover unique. There is something else. 

Special – We will gift a free digital copy of the book to the next 3 people (2 have already won!) who can tell us what is unique about our covers.

Hit reply and tell us what we think separates our covers from every other cover. We’ll announce the winners in a future newsletter and the ‘reveal’ about what is different. 

HINT: Think style.


Final thoughts:
Summer plans:

We are going to Disneyland and Hogswarts (Universal Studios) the first week of July … we think. We have tix and are hoping against hope nothing gets in the way.

In mid July, we are still planning to visit my family in Indiana. I lost two siblings in the past 12 months. Fewer people to visit = funny, not funny. My older brother by one year is fighting and beating lung cancer. Chemo is done and he has 3 more visits for aromatherapy, uh, immunotherapy.  We hope to celebrate when I am there.

For the Christians who read this newsletter, we have 5, count ’em, baptisms planned while I am there. I will gain 5 new brothers and sisters in Christ. This celebration will be a lot of fun too!

Curious to know if any readers of this newsletter live in the Bay Area of San Jose. If so … lets meet up for coffee … just for fun.

We deeply appreciate having you as part of the GUA and GUW world. Please stay safe and healthy!

Thanks so much for reading.

Bill Belew

Daddy and Christian.

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Growing Up Aimi Series