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In this newsletter we want to:

  • tell you the one person the most people loved to hate
  • give you some options for what to read next.
  • answer the question we asked you.
  • share updates for our writing projects.
  • offer something special for UK readers ONLY
  • send final thoughts.

Last newsletter we asked a question that I think would be difficult if not possible to answer.
Who is your favorite villain? The one guy or gal you love to hate.
Unlike the my first question that nobody could agree on, this ‘love to hate question’ had one person who showed up a lot. Non-fiction.

1. Stalin

The dude was head and shoulders mentioned above all others.
In the Marvel Universe, I think he goes by the name Thanos.
Here’s your next question:
Who is your favorite character/s – fictional and non-fictional. Our answers are below.


Who Mia Loves

Mia’s favorite fictional character is Remus Lupin from Harry Potter.

Reason – he was happy even though everyone around him died or left him.

Her favorite non-fictional character is Miep Gies.

Reason – she helped someone Anne Frank, knowing the consequences.

I have to point out that she only relented in giving up these names after the disclaimer, “It’s way too hard to choose.”

Who Dad Loves

Non-fiction: Dad loves Jesus, of course. Next to him … Winston Churchill. The best thing about Churchill was that he wasn’t Churchill until he was in his 60s. He languished in obscurity, a mention in someone else’s historical biography. Not now. He’s the best thing until the Great Britain Baking Show came out. 

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Fiction: Reepicheep from the Chronicles of Narnia. What’s not to love. Fearless, loyal and loved. 

Final thoughts:

We deeply appreciate having you as part of the GUA and GUW world. 

We booked our flights, made our hotel reservations and bought our tickets to visit Disney World for the end of May!

We love Disney’s ability to tell a good story. Though we do not aspire to be like Disney, we want to tell good stories like they do.

If you are in the Bay Area of San Jose (we know the way) do give us a shout! You’ll be able to find Dad at a local coffee shop and maybe can visit together a bit.

Parashu Shalgar

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Growing Up Aimi Series