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Jesus Takes Out Trash

Jesus Takes Out Trash

Mia, her mom and I love the Christian School in Los Altos, CA that Mia attends.

What we love most are the people.

God Demonstrates His Infinite Wisdom

The day before Thanksgiving, the kids were off of school. God, in his infinite wisdom, chose that day to call the headmaster home. There were no kids present when Bishop Johnson started feeling bad. He went home to lay down. Then he went home … to be with the Lord.

Shoes Too Big to Fill

Bishop Johnson was front and center every morning leading the kids in pledging to the US flag. He would then lead in chapel in the pledge to the Christian flag and to the Bible. After that he would give a Bible lesson … 2 days for the lower grades and 2 days for the upper grades. On Friday, it was the whole student body – K-6. Perhaps 100 students and faculty.

Bishop Johnson also subbed for teachers, taught 6th grade math and was the school’s handyman … and well, anything and everything else that the school needed.

Getting What I Asked For

This morning, his wife, Barbara, returned to the office to work. With no agenda whatsoever other than to say hello I bounced in with my best smile (not my nature) to say “Welcome back.”

Bishop Johnson and I are the same age. (63). We were very similar in our Biblical beliefs. He had a vocational background and also served full-time in the church. Me, too.

I am a veteran and I love the US for all the right reasons (I think). I thought, anything Bishop Johnson can do, I can do also … and freely.

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I eagerly and heartily offered to his wife to do anything that is needed. Just ask.

She smiled and I knew a request was coming. “This is a chance for me to shine for the school and my daughter,” I thought to myself.

“Mr. Belew. What we really need is for someone to haul out the 20 giant trash cans each Monday and bring them back in on Tuesday.”

How cool is that?

Marking My Calendar for Next 2+ Years

I put “Take Out Canterbury Trash” and “Pick Up Canterbury Trash” on my cellphone calendar as a reminder and checked the box – Forever. I have a new job for the next 2+ years (when Mia will graduate and move to another school).  Not what I was expecting. But definitely something I can do well … probably better than anything I thought I could do.

Which brings me to my question, “Would Anybody Ever Ask Jesus to Take Out the Trash?”

I think Jesus would want people to be so comfortable with him that they could ask him anything … anything. Including removing the trash.

Bill Belew

Professional Blogger, social media marketer, professor of marketing, Christian and dad.


  • Samantha says:

    Wow, nice new job!

  • jeff says:

    @ Thersites : Yeah. My point is that if there was no church” at that time, what were these bishops the bishops of? Bishop” sounds awfully like a term for something connected to some organized system.

    • Mia Mei says:


      Thank you for reading and for your thoughtful comment. I agree with your thoughts abt the use of the word bishop. My daughter attends a small parochial school that is run by a very tiny Anglican denomination. She loves the school; we love the people. But we don’t always agree. When that happens, I instruct my daughter at home.

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